Grusomhetens Teater | Tap Noir


Tap Noir

  |   Gjestespill

Performance at Grusomhetens Teater 31. August kl 19

Reserve your ticket by sending an email to!

Tickets: 150 kr / 100 kr for those who attend The Other Tap Festival!

Doors open: 20.00h
Show starts: 20.15h

Supported by Arts & Culture Norway, Fund for Performing Artists and Oslo City

An enigmatic blend of tap dance, electronics and the supernatural.

If tap dance still makes you think about musicals with Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire, then Tap Noir will change that in a rapid tempo. This is a piece for one dancer and three stroboscopic lights, connected by contact microphones and piezo pickups. Together they work like an instrument of sorts, enabling the dancer to “play” the light and sound. A tsunami of optical illusions and strange rhythms takes you on a surreal trip, where you don’t know what is real anymore.

Beware, this piece is not suitable for people with epilepsy.

Residencies at Notam, Bureau Dégradé, Dansateliers, Oslo Teatersenter

Tap dance Helen Duffy / Janne Eraker
Choreography Janne Eraker 
Light and sound Jorg Schellekens 
Concept Jorg Schellekens + Janne Eraker
Outside eye Erik Kaiel
Duration: ca 40 min. 

Tap Noir teaser from Janne Eraker on Vimeo.