David Glass Ensemble and Created a Monster at Grusomhetens Teater
We are thrilled to announce that Grusomehetens Teater will host the show “Mortgage”, a co-production by David Glass Ensemble and Created a Monster on the 25th,26th and 27th of April.
Directed by internationally acclaimed, physical theatre pioneer David Glass (http://davidglassensemble.org), the piece is a modern Divine Comedy seen through the lens of Antonin Artaud’s Theatre of Cruelty.
Grusomehetens Teater’s director, Lars Øyno, had the pleasure to meet David Glass at Grusomehetens Teater in Oslo in February.
Considered one of the worlds leading theatre teachers David Glass has worked as a performer, director and teacher in over 70 countries. His creative practice is the centre off this ‘Devising’ process and it is used by the United Nations, The Chinese Ministry of Education and in numerous Arts Universities and Theatre Companies around the world. He is one of the founders and key exponents of the Physical Theatre movement influencing artists such as Simon McBurney, Mike Alfreds, Amit Lahav, Liam Steele, Kathryn Hunter and Tom Morris to name a few.
David Glass Ensemble in collaboration with Created a Monster will also hold a 2 days workshop on the 23rd & 24th of April.
This is a rare chance to catch David Glass in Norway teaching one of his most popular workshops. Rooted in the work of Artaud, this intensely physical workshop will explore the extremes of human emotion and expression and will take the participants on a visceral and hilarious exploration of the techniques and themes that have informed the making of ‘Mortgage’ so far.